Many companies advertise on the web as having office spaces in a particular city. The reality is they have nothing in the city that you typed in when doing a web search.
One way of recognizing real and phony office space rental advertisements are ads that have an area code outside the location you wish to rent your space in. the goal often is for these real estate marketing companies to redirect you to rent a space in their own location rather than the one that you actually looking for. This just simply makes it harder for people to find a really ideal location.
Not to mention, commercial real estate brokers often will not tell you all the properties that really match your needs. Why is this? They make commissions on properties for which they have a sales contract. Naturally there is no sales incentive for them to refer you to properties where there is no commission.
Another point is small office spaces with month-to-month leases cannot pay high commissions to real estate brokers hence small businesses are often locked into longer-term leases for small spaces. Ideally the business startup would have done a good search on their own to find month-to-month small space offices available for rent.
In today's commercial real estate industry, small California businesses might be wiser to do a good web search for office spaces before contacting their California commercial real estate broker. However do realize that there are many very good commercial real estate brokers, if you have a great real estate broker keep them.
The best California real estate brokers would refer you to properties for which they don't make much commission now. They should hope that you would go back to them when your company grows and then you are in greater need of a broker to represent you in sophisticated commercial leasing contracts.
Because California Business Center Inc. in Fairfield California specializes in small month-to-month office space leases, it relies on friendly real estate brokers to make referrals. In exchange we provide a list of commercial real estate brokers that you may wish to contact to get a larger list of ideal office spaces and other commercial properties that would meet your needs. To get this list please call 707-434-8000
The free list of Solano County real estate brokers covers representatives for Solano County, Napa County, northern Contra Costa County, your low County, Sacramento County.